Father’s Day : Things we should do everyday Not just on Father’s Day

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Father’s Day:  A father is someone who is very special and plays the most crucial role in our lives. And we know that, but it’s unfortunate that somehow we’re lacking to show that love and care which we had in our hearts for them deep inside. They also need pampering which he showered on us with, but will never say! so it’s our duty to understand what they never said! It’s all because of their hard work and sacrifices that we are able to progress in every sphere of life today, it’s all because of them that we dares to dream big!

We should express our feelings towards them and do small things to make them feel happy, loved, appreciated!

First, always spend time with them. listen to them attentively, Converse with them, and learn from their experiences. This will make them feel that you value their presence and appreciate them.

Second, Make them feel that you’ll always be there side no matter what, make them feel that you’ll always going to understand their perspective about anything so they can share anything with you, without sny second thought. This will provide relief and make your dad feels that you are helping to ease their burden in some ways.

Third, give them small but emotionally valuable gifts. These need not to be luxurious, but these gifts will serve as a symbol of your care and respect for them. Although they don’t like expensive gifts from us, A simple card which is expressing respect and care or a good book, or it can be any favorite thing, or you can cook something for them. Not only today, but showered them with these kind of special treatment very often.

Fourth, take care of their health. Encourage them to follow healthy lifestyle and diet. Exercise with them or help them follow a healthy diet. This will not only benefit their health but also make them feel that you really care about them! And more then any medicine or diet, your care can heal them more efficiently!

Lastly, express your gratitude towards them. Let them know how grateful you are for all their sacrifices, hard work, love, care, support, pampering and what not. This will bring a sense of pride and make them feel that their family appreciates them and care about them!

share this post with your father and show them that you love and care about them the most! Make them feel that you’re blessed and grateful to have them!

Ps. Every word of this Post is dedicated to you papa. I’m so grateful to have you!

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